Tennessee Football / Kicking / Punting / Mini Camps / Nashville / Murfreesboro - TN - December 18, 2022
Event ID 765377
Rank | Name | Field Goal Accuracy | Type | Kickoff Distance | Kickoff Hangtime | Punting Distance | Punting Hangtime |
1 | Brock Wilson 4.5⭐️K/4⭐️P | 50% | Average | 47.5 | 2.775 | 23.376 | 3.087 |
Best | 54.00 | 2.94 | 33.00 | 3.33 | |||
2 | Noah Harris 3.5⭐️K/3.5⭐️P | 50% | Average | 41.5 | 3.015 | 18.126 | 3.246 |
Best | 49.00 | 3.37 | 24.00 | 3.70 | |||
3 | A J Bates 3⭐️K | 20% | Average | 44.25 | 2.98 | 16.75 | 3.393 |
Best | 48.00 | 3.14 | 24.00 | 3.85 | |||
4 | Garrett Dane | 40% | Average | 38.75 | 2.79 | 17.126 | 2.929 |
Best | 41.00 | 2.90 | 20.00 | 3.39 | |||
5 | RJ Hendershot | 0% | Average | 27.5 | 2.615 | 14.376 | 2.616 |
Best | 30.00 | 2.84 | 23.00 | 3.03 |
Note: rankings are calculated from a proprietary weighted average that combines distance, hang time, and accuracy. Prokicker.com reserves all rights to make adjustments to ensure accuracy.