Kentucky Football / Kicking / Punting Camps - Danville KY - November 12, 2023

Event ID 770497
RankNameAvg. Kickoff DistanceBest Kickoff DistanceAvg. Kickoff HangtimeBest Kickoff Hangtime
1Isaac Collins 5⭐️P/4.5⭐️K56.561.003.12253.32
2Andrew Carr 4⭐️K51.562.003.33753.52
3Cole Andrews 4.5⭐️K/4⭐️P49.559.003.373.53
4Cole Turner 3⭐️K/4⭐️P44.554.003.183.33
5Zak Dailey 3⭐️K4347.003.14253.28
6Benjamin Brenda 3⭐️K46.7555.002.6153.14
7Jesse Osborne 3943.002.91753.20
8Chase Lopez3843.002.61252.75

Note: rankings are calculated from a proprietary weighted average that combines distance, hang time, and accuracy. reserves all rights to make adjustments to ensure accuracy.