South Carolina Football / Kicking / Punting Camps / Anderson SC - February 11, 2024 (KP only)

Event ID 770677
RankNameAvg. Kickoff DistanceBest Kickoff DistanceAvg. Kickoff HangtimeBest Kickoff Hangtime
1Brayden Barnette 4⭐️K5153.003.42753.58
2Jack McCurry43.545.003.183.32
3Gavin Sheriff 4⭐️K/3.5⭐️P44.7547.003.06253.13
4Quaide Overton 3⭐️K46.2550.002.76752.89

Note: rankings are calculated from a proprietary weighted average that combines distance, hang time, and accuracy. reserves all rights to make adjustments to ensure accuracy.