Long Snappers

Display Top 25 50 75 100 Players
RankNameAvg. Snap TimeBest Snap TimeAccuracy Points
1Jacob Jones 5⭐️LS0.750.7021
2Cooper Ford 5⭐️LS0.780.7621
3Marcus Brumfield 4.5⭐️LS0.850.7620
4Eli Fuller 4.5⭐️LS0.890.8420
5Gideon Dixon 4.5⭐️LS0.840.7718
6Austin Viall 4⭐️LS0.980.9415
7Hank Gnadinger 4⭐️LS0.930.8513
8Zane Wagner 4⭐️LS0.950.8513
9Jarret Heintz0.990.958
10Colby Laughman0.980.887
11Nate Johnson1.101.009
12Carson Weed1.421.2713
13Collier Mangum1.050.886
14Maurice Sutton1.171.067
15Gordon Reese1.130.976
16Perrin Duhe0.960.961
17Lukas Richardson1.141.141
18Deuce Vance1.331.332

Note: rankings are calculated from a proprietary weighted average that combines distance, hang time, and accuracy. Prokicker.com reserves all rights to make adjustments to ensure accuracy.