Ohio Football / Kicking / Punting / Mini Camps / Chillicothe OH - June 26, 2022

Event ID 712641
RankNameAvg. Kickoff DistanceBest Kickoff DistanceAvg. Kickoff HangtimeBest Kickoff Hangtime
1Derek Morris 5⭐️K/5⭐️P61.2566.003.9354.06
2Spencer Conrad 5⭐️K / 4.5⭐️P58.7562.003.363.57
3Treyton McKee 4.5⭐️K/4⭐️P5559.003.033.58
4Mason Brown 3.5⭐️K51.2558.003.2353.47
5Bryce Taylor 4.5⭐️K/3.5⭐️P50.2556.003.19253.34
6Hayden Paschke 3⭐️K/3⭐️P47.2552.003.0453.46
7Luke Alongi 4⭐️P/3.5⭐️K/46.549.002.843.34
8Deacon Crawford 3⭐️K48.2553.002.6553.20
9Hayden Wilcoxen37.545.002.683.06
10Brendan Ballard 3.5⭐️P/3⭐️K39.2545.002.342.47
11Matthew Remley28.7537.001.9452.34

Note: rankings are calculated from a proprietary weighted average that combines distance, hang time, and accuracy. Prokicker.com reserves all rights to make adjustments to ensure accuracy.