Kentucky Football / Kicking / Punting / Snapping / Camps / Bardstown, KY - March 3, 2024

Event ID 770678
RankNameAvg. Kickoff DistanceBest Kickoff DistanceAvg. Kickoff HangtimeBest Kickoff HangtimeField Goal Accuracy
1Isaac Collins 5⭐️P/4.5⭐️K55.2560.003.47753.5090%
2Jason Coleman 4.5⭐️K/3.5⭐️P54.7563.003.34753.4790%
3Cole Andrews 4.5⭐️K/4⭐️P5156.002.97253.0980%
4Ryan Clark 3.5⭐️K/3⭐️P47.553.002.95253.3260%
5Caiden Kirby 3.5⭐️K/3.5⭐️P45.7554.003.1253.2050%
6Logan Blincoe 3⭐️K47.2551.002.92753.0840%
7Logan Ford 4⭐️K/4⭐️P46.7557.002.653.1550%
8Ryan Fabek 3⭐️K/3⭐️P4346.002.782.9550%
9Austin Kuntz40.2545.002.72.8930%
10Chase Lopez34.7543.002.13752.6220%
11Trace Miller 3⭐️P36.2539.002.33252.640%

Note: rankings are calculated from a proprietary weighted average that combines distance, hang time, and accuracy. reserves all rights to make adjustments to ensure accuracy.