Tennessee Football / Kicking / Punting / Camps / Chattanooga, TN - May 13, 2023

Event ID 768835
RankNameAvg. Kickoff DistanceBest Kickoff DistanceAvg. Kickoff HangtimeBest Kickoff Hangtime
1Ethan Lane 5⭐️K/4⭐️P5863.003.543.91
2Nathan Randolph 4⭐️K/4⭐️P51.7555.002.993.19
3Nick Krall 3.5⭐️K/3.5⭐️P49.7557.002.693.40
4Michael Sumners 3.5⭐️K/3⭐️P45.2551.003.01753.31
5Jacob Fisher4246.002.91253.16
6Ryan Looney3240.002.14252.52

Note: rankings are calculated from a proprietary weighted average that combines distance, hang time, and accuracy. Prokicker.com reserves all rights to make adjustments to ensure accuracy.