Long Snappers – Scholarship Division

Display Top 25 50 75 100 Players
RankNameAvg. Snap TimeBest Snap TimeAccuracy Points
1Henry Hamlin 5⭐️LS0.800.7523
2Jacob Jones 5⭐️LS0.750.7021
3Jaydee Lane 5⭐️LS0.830.7123
4Cooper Ford 5⭐️LS0.780.7621
5Jared Nethercutt 4.5⭐️LS0.830.7521
6Bryson Love 4.5⭐️LS0.890.8221
7Eli Fuller 4.5⭐️LS0.890.8420
8Gideon Dixon 4.5⭐️LS0.840.7718
9Talan Carver 4.5⭐️LS0.840.8118
10Christopher Richards 4.5⭐️LS0.870.8218
11Marcus Brumfield 4.5⭐️LS0.840.7617
12Bryson Maloney 4⭐️LS0.960.9018
13Hayden Satterly 4⭐️LS0.920.8416
14Aiden Thiaville 4⭐️LS0.970.8917
15Brice Stringfellow 4⭐️LS1.080.9619
16Ander Ellis 4⭐️LS0.950.8316
17Henry Shannon 4⭐️LS1.041.0017
18Elijah Smith 4⭐️LS0.970.8715
19Austin Viall 4⭐️LS0.980.9415
20Bennett Hobbs 4⭐️LS0.930.8413
21Hank Gnadinger 4⭐️LS0.930.8513
22Jacob Hall 4⭐️LS0.980.9014
23Zane Wagner 4⭐️LS0.950.8513
24Johnathan Morris 4⭐️LS0.910.8212
25Kolbyn Price 3.5⭐️LS1.111.0714
26Joseph Ferriell IV1.020.9412
27Jarret Heintz0.990.958
28Colby Laughman0.980.887
29Nate Johnson1.101.009
30Carson Weed1.421.2713
31Joseph Peabody1.030.947
32Parker Knight1.111.018
33Collier Mangum1.050.886
34Perrin Barreca0.900.902
35Luke Gulino1.401.2011
36Bobby Dunn1.191.018
37Maurice Sutton1.171.067
38Gordon Reese1.130.976
39Chris Smith1.130.946
40Evan Murfield1.151.076
41Perrin Duhe0.960.961
42Rivers Belk1.051.013
43Joel Vaughn1.071.071
44Canan Smith1.251.183
45Lukas Richardson1.141.141
46Gabe Osborne1.251.252
47Alex Hughes1.471.284
48Deuce Vance1.331.332

Note: rankings are calculated from a proprietary weighted average that combines distance, hang time, and accuracy. Prokicker.com reserves all rights to make adjustments to ensure accuracy.